【Hatune Miku・初音未来】黎明与荧光・Dawn and Fireflies・夜明けと蛍【中文·English】に字幕つけてみた
本日「夜明けと蛍」(黎明与荧光、Dawn and Fireflies)に中国語と英語の字幕を付けてうぷ!
n-buna(ナブナ)氏の「夜明けと蛍」(黎明与荧光、Dawn and Fireflies)に中国語・英語の歌詞を付けた動画です。
※ 基本的に個人的な単語、用例メモとして残してますので注釈なしですw
看着淡淡月光不禁为之入迷 故而连昏暗的前路亦无法看清 依然没有察觉到自己跌倒了 夜天裹遥远的星变得模糊一片 因为找不到想要去做的事 所以装作赶急 却依然垂首低头 就连在跌倒下被人嘲笑这事 亦装作没有察觉到 仍是以无形的歌声 去幻想着清晨 在那浅浅的 浅浅的 夏日的那边 我并不寒冷 因为能看见你的手心 淡色天空中 有着黎明的萤光 自己看起来就不过似是一抹污痕 如此般讨厌的事物增加起来 故而我想要纵身飞往地球的另一面呢 直至抵达无人的车站 直至于昨天的我相遇为止 我的内心痛苦得很啊 每当往下一看 你便又再远去了 想要做梦 将我们沾污吧 再见了 在昨晚盛放的火花 看着水中映现出的花朵 看着水中朦胧的月色 若然幻想出那片夏日仍未到来的天空 你大概会取笑我吧 在拂晓之梦中 能看见那片浮月之空 若然能永不迎来清晨 如此呼吸生存下去的话 那就往遥远 遥远的 夏日的彼方去 我并不寒冷 因为能看见你的手心 遍染淡淡朝霞的夜空 此刻走在这夏日仍未到来的街道上 啊啊 苍蓝之色 黎明与萤光
English lyrics of Dawn and Fireflies
Entranced by the sight of the pale moon, I failed to notice the darkness of the path below me Neither did the stars notice that I'd fallen to the ground As they began to blur in the night sky Because I couldn't find a single thing I wanted to do I kept my head down, pretending to hurry nowhere People laughed when they saw me fall But I pretended not to notice that, either As I painted the morning using a song with no shape I turned toward the shallow, shallow summer Your palm was so warm, and inside of it, I could see A pale dawn sky, a glowing firefly I've come to see myself as nothing but a stain Because I began to hate so many things I want to leap to the other side of this world To an unmanned, empty train station To a place where I can meet yesterday's me Each time I look down because my heart hurts too much You manage to get farther away from me You must dirty us, the dream-seekers So that flowers of flame will bloom in yesterday's night sky I saw the flowers, saw them reflected in the water I saw the moon, saw it obscured by the water, and thought: If I were to paint a sky where summer never came You would laugh at me, I'm sure you would I dreamed of daybreak, of the moon hanging in the sky If morning never came, yet I could still breathe I'd turn toward the distant, distant summer Your palm was so warm, and inside of it, I saw A pale sunrise from the night sky This town where summer never comes Ah, a brilliant blue dawn and firefly